Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Travellers tales....

My Itinery..

Day 1 ...Arrive in the afternoon as the sunsets over Antigua, Guatemala
Day 2.... Join the tour to Lake Atitlan
Day 3... Lunch with fellow traveller, Maria from Germany.
Private Salsa Lesson at La Salsa
Rambling through the cobbled streets of Antigua
Day 4... Catch the early flight and tour Tikal
Dinner with Macarena and Virginia from Uruguay
Day 5... Morning Salsa Lesson
Taste of Guatemalan food ( Pepian de Pollo - chicken curry with cinnamon
pumpkimn, sesame seeds and corn tamale ) ( Torrejas en Meil - sweet bread
fried and served with syrup)
Day 6... Afternoon City Tour ( Antigua tours) highly recommended as we stroll the
streets discovering ruins, culture and churches of Antigua
Private Salsa Lesson
Day 7... Return to San Jose, Costa Rica
Squeeze in another private Salsa lesson in the morning!!


En Min said...

Wow weeee! Love your photos!! Sounds and looks jealous!
It is now into those early dark evenings here :0( thank you for your slice of sunshine! xx xxx xxx

En Min said...

Miss you xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx